The Materials Chemistry and Polymer Synthesis Lab specializes in polymer synthesis and materials characterization, with emphasis placed on structure-property relationships as they relate to transport in polymers. Researchers use the tools of polymer science and engineering as well as spectroscopy and electrochemistry to investigate the properties of polymeric materials for use in applications such as Li-ion battery electrodes, non-aqueous electrolytes, and redox flow battery membranes. Facilities include dedicated space for synthesis, a materials characterization lab, and specialized spectroscopy instrumentation.
The synthesis lab has seven chemical fume hoods suitable to accommodate up to ten researchers. The lab is fully stocked for organic synthesis with glassware, ovens, heating mantels and hot plates, vacuum and nitrogen lines, desiccators, chillers, and two rotary evaporators. We maintain separate THF and DMF/LiBr mobile phase gel permeation chromatographs for polymer molecular weight and polydispersity characterization.
The characterization lab has capabilities for conductivity measurements of samples including a Karl Suss PM5 probe station with AC and DC measurement capabilities and an ESPEC SH-241 environmental chamber. The lab also houses our TA Instruments thermal and RH analyzers, Waters HPLC, Anton Paar SurPASS, our electrochemical equipment, Bruker Vertex FTIR, facilities for sample preparation, including spin coater and plasma chamber.
The dedicated FTIR and Raman spectrometers with in-situ device capability are housed adjacent to the synthesis and characterization laboratories in the MATSE Center for Optical Studies.